ESF COSLAB Network Conference

Disorder and Topological Defects,

a Helium Primer

17-22 December 2004, Chamrousse, Grenoble (France)



Click on the talk to downoad the pdf or ppt file.


17/12 Friday - Arriving day


Meeting point - CRTBT-CNRS (Polygone scientifique, Grenoble)

Visit of the laboratory, refreshment.


Bus to Chamrousse


20.00 from CRTBT

20.05 from Grenoble railway station


21.00 Dinner

18/12 Saturday


8.30 - Opening

Yu. Bunkov



Chairman G. Volovik


8.45 William Halperin, CRTBT-CNRS, France and Northwestern University, USA

"Disorder and gapless superfluidity in 3He"


9.30 Osamu Ishikawa, Osaka City University, Japan

"Spin Dynamics of Superfluid He-3 in Aerogel"


10.15 Coffee


10.30 George Pickett, Lancaster University, UK

"Aerogel at Ultra Low Temperatures"


11.15 Eddy Collin, CRTBT-CNRS, France

"3He NMR in Aerogel"


12.00 Lunch


17.00 Coffee

Chairman T. Mizusaki


17.15 Erkki Thuneberg, University of Oulu, Finland

"Inhomogeneous Impurity distribution in Fermi superfluids"


18.00 Jeevak Parpia, Cornell University, USA

"Superfluid Density of the A and B phases of 3He in Aerogel"


18.45 - Poster session

J. Elbs, Grenoble, France

"New results from Vibrating Wire measurements in superfluid 3He: from particle detection to topological defects"

C. Matthews, Lancaster, UK

"Vortex generation in superfluid 3He by a vibrating grid"

R. Whitehead, Lancaster, UK

"Coupling between Aerogel and superfluid 3He in the low temperature limit"


20.00 Dinner


21.00 Round table (Aerogel).


19/12 Sunday


"Vortices and Rotation of 3He"

Chairman W. Halperin


8.45 Takao Mizusaki , Kyoto University, Japan

"Vortex Pinning of Superfluid 3He-B in Aerogel"


9.30 Andrei Golov, University of Manchester, UK

"Trapping of vortices by a network of topological defects in superfluid 3He-A"


10.15 Coffee


10.30 Vladimir Eltsov, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

"Vortex formation in neutron-irradiated 3He-B flow"


11.15 Ian Bradley, Lancaster University, UK

"Turbulence in 3He"


12.00 Lunch


17.00 Coffee


"20 years of HPD"

Chairman J. Parpia



From left to right: Yu. Mukharskiy, Yu. Bunkov, V. Dmitriev

20 years ago in Moscow, at the time of Sin Supercurrent discovery


17.15 Yuriy Bunkov, CRTBT-CNRS, France

"Magnetic superfluidity; From HPD to Q-balls"


18.00 Yuriy Mukharskiy, CEA Saclay, France

"Spin Supercurrent and Josephson phenomena"


18.45 Vladimir Dmitriev, Kapitza institute, Moscow, Russia

"Measurements of Leggett frequency in 3He-B in aerogel"


20.00 Dinner


21.00 Round table (Future of superfluid 3He).


20/12 Monday 


"2D 3He"

Chairman G. Pickett


8.45 Henri Godfrin, CRTBT-CNRS, France

"Multiple Spin Exchange in 2D 3He"


9.30 Hans Bozler, University of California, USA

"Recent Studies of the 2D Magnetism of 3He on Graphite"


10.15 Coffee



Chairman G. Pickett


10.30 Alexandre Andreev, Kapitza institute, Moscow, Russia

"Simple theory of extremely overdoped HTS"


11.15 Yuriy Bunkov CRTBT-CNRS, France

"Semi-Superfluid 3He"


12.00 Anna Minguzzi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

"Pairing fluctuations in trapped Fermi gases"


12.45 Lunch


17.00 Coffee



Chairman E. Thuneberg


17.15 Mairi Sakellariadou, Univesity of Athens, Greece

"Cosmic superstrings"


18.00 Mikhael Volkov, University of Tours, France

"Spinning superconducting semilocal strings"


18.45 Yuriy Dumin, Max Planck Institute, Dresden,Germany

"The Efficiency of Topological Defect Formation as Function of

Size and (Quasi-)Dimensionality of the System"


20.00 Dinner


21.00 Round table (opened).


21/12 Tuesday


"Dark matter and energy"

Chairman A. Andreev


8.45 Grigoriy Volovik, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

"Vacuum energy and cosmological constant: a condensed-matter primer"


9.30 Maxim Khlopov, Rome University "La Sapienza", Italy

"Physical nature and signatures of multi-component dark matter"


10.15 Coffee



10.30 Michael Shaposhnikov, Institute of theoretical Physics, Switzerland

"SUSY Q-balls as a dark matter candidates"


11.15 Charling Tao, University de la Mediterranee, France

"Comments on the dark Universe from SN data"


12.00 Lunch


17.00 Coffee

Chairman M. Khlopov


17.15 Clemens Winkelmann, CRTBT-CNRS, France

"Superfluid 3He Dark Matter Detector"


18.00. Roland Triay, Centre de Physique Theorique, Marseille, France

"From the cosmological constant problem to dark energy"


18.45 - Closing


20.00 Dinner


22.12 Wednesday - Departure day


8.00 Bus to Grenoble railway station, and CRTBT-CNRS


12.00 Lunch for people who can stay longer in Chamrousse.






Last updated: 06.01.05