2007 - 2010: Marie Curie Advanced Cryogenics Course



General organisation:
Coordinator :
H. Godfrin, Grenoble
Partner :
M. Paalanen , Helsinki

The coordinator and his partner are responsible for the general organisation of Cryocourse, the scientific and technical content of the courses, the financial management in relation to the European Community and local European organisations (Universities, Research Organisations, Industry, and local Funding Agencies). They have signed a contract with the CEE in the framework of the Marie Curie programme. They are responsible for the proper application of the management rules applicable to the organisation of the Cryocourse Events.
They liaise with the International Committee to guarantee a proper coverage of the research topics, the European research centres, and the best dissemination of cryogenic culture at the European level.


International Committee:

The members of the International Committee are responsible for the dissemination of the information in their country and area of research.
A.T.A.M de Waele, Eindhoven
C. Enss, Heidelberg
A. Feher, Kosice
H. Godfrin, Grenoble
M. Paalanen , Helsinki
G.R.P. Pickett, Lancaster
S. Vieira, Madrid


The International Committee:

- Provides advice and guidance in the choice of the topics, teachers, speakers, etc.
- Validates the programme of the events (Courses, Conferences) proposed by the Event organisers.
- Validates the choice of the speakers, teachers, etc.
- Selects the students among the eligible candidates.
- Examines the proposals and chooses the most appropriate location for the Conferences.
- Examines and validates the reports submitted by the Event organisers.
- Examines and validates the reports submitted by the Cryocourse organisers.