NATO Advanced Study Institute
ESF Network
Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics
of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions
February 16,Tuesday,
10.00 -10.30 Opening ceremony.
10.30 -11.15 Tom Kibble (London),
"Classification of Topological Defects and their Relevance to Cosmology and elsewhere."
11.40-12.25 Daniel Boyanovsky (Pittsburgh),
"Non-Equilibrium Quantum Phase Transitions: Spinodal Decomposition, Condensates and Defects."
12.30-13.30 Lunch.
15.00-16.30 Questions to lecturers, discussion.
17.00-19.30 Seminar session
February 17, Wednesday
9.00-9.45 Tom Kibble, (Lecture 2.)
9.50-10.35 Daniel Boyanovsky, (Lecture 2.)
Coffee break
10.50-11.35 Ruth Durrer (Geneve),
"Defects and the large scale structure of the universe."
11.40-12.25 Alexandr Andreev (Moscow),
"Mesoscopic phase transitions and fundamental properties of space - time."
February 18, Thursday
9.00-9.45 Tom Kibble, (Lecture 3)
9.50-10.35 Daniel Boyanovsky, (Lecture 3)
10.50-11.35 Wojciech Zurek (Los Alamos),
"Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking "
11.40-12.25 Ana Achucarro (Bilbao),
"An introduction to magnetic monopoles."
February 19, Friday
9.00-9.45 Wojciech Zurek, (Lecture 2)
9.50-10.35 Ana Achucarro, (Lectures 2)
"Magnetic monopoles and vortices in particle accelerators."
10.50-11.35 Adriaan Schakel (Berlin),
"Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory."
11.40-12.25 Giuseppe Vitiello (Salerno),
"Defect formation through the boson condensation mechanism in QFT."
February 20, Saturday
9.00-9.45 Wojciech Zurek, (Lecture 3)
9.50-10.35 James Sauls (Evanston),
"Quantum fluids far from equilibrium"
10.50-11.35 Adriaan Schakel, (Lecture 2),
" Dual Theory"
11.40-12.25 Giuseppe Vitiello (Lecture 2).
February 21, Sunday
9.00-9.45 James Sauls, (Lecture 2).
9.50-10.35 Brandon Carter (Paris),
"Mechanical elements and cosmological applications of vorton theory."
10.50-11.35 Adriaan Schakel, (Lecture 3),
"Bose-Einstein Condensation"
11.40-12.25 Eric Varoquaux (Saclay),
"Nucleation and unpinning of vortices in superfluid 4He"
February 22, Monday
9.00-9.45 Brandon Carter, (Lecture 2).
9.50-10.35 Anthony Leggett (Urbana),
"3He and its relation with modern physics."
10.50-11.35 Douglas Osheroff (Stanford):
"The superfluid phase transitions in liquid 3He."
11.40-12.25 Grigory Volovik (Moscow and Helsinki),
"3He and Universe parallelism"
February 23, Tuesday
9.00-9.45 Anthony Leggett, (Lecture 2).
9.50-10.35 Douglas Osheroff, (Lecture 2).
10.50-11.35 Grigoriy Volovik, (Lecture 2).
11.40-12.25 Matti Krusius, (Helsinki),
"Topological defects of 3He superfluids"
February 24, Wednesday
9.00-9.45 Anthony Leggett, (Lecture 3).
9.50-10.35 Grigory Volovik, (Lecture 3).
10.50-11.35 Yuriy Bunkov, (Grenoble),
"Spin supercurrents and exotic properties of superfluid 3He."
11.40-12.25 George Pickett, (Lancaster),
"Superfluid 3He in the ballistic regime."
February 25, Thursday
9.00-9.45 Henri Godfrin (Grenoble):
"Grenoble cosmological experiment"
9.50-10.35 Matti Krusius, (Lecture 2).
10.50-11.35 Yuriy Bunkov, (Lecture 2).
11.40-12.25 Tanmay Vachaspati, (Cleveland)
Lecture 1. Defect Formation in First Order Phase Transitions
February 26, Friday
9.00-9.45 George Pickett, (Lecture 2).
9.50-10.35 "Tanmay Vachaspati, (Lecture 2)
"Observational Signatures of Cosmic Topological Defects "
11.00 Closing ceremony
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