UPDATED 24/9 !!!

ESF Network.

Workshop On The Formation of Topological Defects.

Friday, September 26th. - Thursday, October 2nd., 1997

Saint Hugues de Biviers, Grenoble, France

The topological defects which may have been formed in the early universe contain key information about symmetry-breaking phase-transitions occuring shortly after the Big Bang. The theoretical understanding of the nature of such defects and transitions is facilitated by close analogies with the properties of some Condensed Matter systems, notably with superfluid helium. A common feature of both systems is the presence of a variety of broken symmetries, which leads to a very rich physical behaviour. The potential of superfluid 3He to simulate the evolution of the universe has been demonstrated by a few recent experiments which open a new "experimental Cosmology" research field. In addition, observation of the topological defects formed in condensed matter systems allows us to deduce something about the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum fields during phase transitions.

The purpose of this meeting is to gather condensed matter experimentalists, cosmologists and particle physics theorists, field theorists and condensed matter theorists to discuss the problem of Topological Defects formation, to pursue the analysis of the experimental results, to determine the objectives of future research in Condensed Matter modelling of the universe and to look at the implications of this work for other symmetry-breaking transition

The ancient monastery Saint Hugues is located in a beautiful walley, which starts from the Mont Blanc and end in Grenoble. The mountain chain Belledonne is situated in front of the monastery. We are planing to have sessions at the morning and after dinner. The afternoon time will be reserved for walks and informal discussions.

We are planing to make a tour by bus with two houre mountain work at the Park nationale Vercors (http://www.alpes-net.fr/festival/pnrv/) and visite Grottes de Choranche (http://www.decalog.tm.fr/grottes-de-choranche/). The tour we are planing for Tuesday afternoon .

Responsible I. Egusquiza, Bilbao, Spain

The update program you can find at:(http://tp.lc.ehu.es/grenoble.htm)

For suggestions/corrections send a message to: talks@defect.unige.ch

Responsible M. Blasone and E. Alfinito, Salerno, Italy

The update list of participants you can found at: (http://pclab.csied.unisa.it/~blasone/Group/alfinito/Net/participants.html)

For urgent changes contact directly the local commettee: Yu. Bunkov (Bunkov@labs.polycnrs-gre.fr ) or

H. Godfrin (Godfrin@labs.polycnrs-gre.fr)

If you fly to Aeroport Charles de Gaulle, you do not need to go to PARIS!!!

There is direct trains to Lyon from aeroport, and correspondent trains to Grenoble.

Timetable Aeroport-Lyon-Grenoble




plus more trains in the evening.


Train: Grenoble can be conveniently reached by TGV (fast train) from Paris (3 hours) or Lyons (1 hour).

TGV, friday

Place should be reserved in advance!

 Paris  6.48  9.48  14.34  17.36  18.36  19.48
 Grenoble  9.47  12.55  17.41  20.40  21.39  22.51


Trains from Geneva

 Geneva (CFF)  9.30  15.32  18.38  22.22
 Grenoble  11.43  17.45  20.50  0.41


Plane: Many international flights reach Lyons airport, and several internal fights reach Grenoble airport. Regular shuttle buses from Lyon (Satolas) airport, or Grenoble (Saint Etienne de Saint Geoirs) airport, can take the participants arriving by plane to the Gare Routiere, next to the Railway Station of Grenoble. We will be waiting for them there! Important: the tickets must be paid cash in french francs (from Satolas 130 FF (simple) or 195 FF (aller-retour for 2 month)).

 Satolas  8.00  8.30  9.15  11.00  12.15  14.15  15.15  16.30  17.30  18.30  19.30  20.45  21.45  22.45
 Grenoble  9.05  9.35  10.20  12.05  13.20  15.20  16.20  17.35  18.35  19.35  20.35  21.50  23.10  00.10

From Geneva airport: trains and shuttle buses are available.


In case of emergency, in day time, the phone nomber of administration St. Hugues

(please use only for real emergency case!): 04 76 90 35 97, FAX 04 76 90 35 78 .

In night time, the private phone number of Henri Godfrin is:04 76 41 95 99.

We will do our best to pick you up!

Last solution: take a taxi at the Grenoble railway station, the driver should know where Saint

Hugues de Biviers is. If not, indicate that it is in the upper part of Biviers, there are signs leading

(few hundred meters before Montbonnot center) to Saint Hugues on the RN90 (a well known national road) .

Cost of the trip about 150 FF.